Basic site's statistics

Small and non computer savvy clients can't handle and don't want to deal with Analytics.

A nice one-page statistics for their site would be great. Accessible to the designer and the editors. Set by default, zero action to benefit from it.

  • visits with easy time ranges (day week month quarter year all time)
  • where does the traffic come, geographically
  • referents
  • social media insights
  • search engine things

Ideally, we can design the theme of this page as we can design the 404 and Password page.

  • Vincent Bidaux
  • Feb 4 2017
  • Jack Hunter commented
    31 Oct, 2024 05:43pm

    This is a must feature! I love and adore webflow however it doesn't help to ask for $39 per month on basic analytics. The goal should be to make the product as sticky as possible with as much value as possible.

    Basic site analytics are being offered by pretty much any other product out there. Webflow is WAY superior then others but to lack a feature that can improve ones business as a free offering is not contributing to LTV of a Webflow user.

  • Tin Grainca commented
    10 Mar, 2023 03:48pm

    Squarespace do it very well... make the same

  • Tin Grainca commented
    10 Mar, 2023 03:47pm

    Best idea ever!!

  • Margaret commented
    29 Jan, 2022 04:51am

    This would be extremely helpful! Started a new site on Webflow after working with several sites on Squarespace, and was super surprised that some kind of analytics dashboard wasn't already in place.

  • Joe Russell commented
    21 Feb, 2021 07:56pm

    This could be even simpler, and retain more privacy for visiting users than Google Analytics.

  • Jonathan Smith commented
    7 Nov, 2020 01:30am

    Any update?

    The ability to set up automated email report to our clients especially in white-label tier would be nice.

  • Alexandre S. commented
    25 Sep, 2020 01:35pm

    Yes please ! Analytics with true numbers. See this post in the forum.

    And to be GDPR compliant, Fathom Analytics do things very well ! No need to be as complicated as Google Analytics...

  • Alex Dixon commented
    20 Feb, 2019 12:01pm

    +1 This would be super handy, and I imagine it wouldn't be too much work to surface this on the editor screen (quick win) 🤗

  • Tellgrid commented
    14 Feb, 2019 04:37pm

    The likes of Squarespace and Shopify do this really well. Would love to have it available on Webflow.

  • Gavin Kosko commented
    20 Apr, 2018 08:13pm

    I would love this! Please implement!

  • Nicolas duclos commented
    12 Apr, 2018 05:10pm

    I would like statistic like Jetpack plugin for Wordpress.

  • Cyril Kriz commented
    25 Jul, 2017 09:06pm

    maybe something similar to Squarespace´s statistics

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