Site staging or selective editor publishing

I've noticed while working on site updates for a client's live site:

I can make edits to pages within Designer and not publish. Then, if my client were to go into Editor and create a post (or any other changes) and they publish their edits, my edits get pushed to the live site as well.

It would be nice to have a way to control what gets published between Designer and Editor. I imagine it might be simpler to have an entirely separate "staging site" as opposed to selecting individual pieces or elements to publish. You guys are the experts though. ; ]

Nicky P

  • Nick Pritchett
  • Feb 6 2017
  • Chandler Hartigan commented
    November 12, 2024 14:11

    Another push for this. This is a necessary feature. Just about every other decent platform allows for staging sites. Shopify is so good about it that most of the paid plans on their apps have keys for staging sites to also use the app at no additional cost. Real staging sites, completely separate from production, is an absolute must. Its common sense

  • Sandro Hagen commented
    August 13, 2024 09:07

    we need this!

  • Omar Fogliadini commented
    February 04, 2024 10:49

    The issue for us as well. Our client's prod website got down cause his editors published one letter changes from the editor and our staging scripts also published on the prod. It's a non-sense.

  • Remi MASSENYA commented
    December 14, 2023 16:25

    This feature is urgent and needed our clients are leaving and i will also leave if it can't be fixed.

    During since 2017... 5 years without making a simple fix it is time to act.

    Just add a check button in website params : "Editors can publish" YES/NO

  • Kevin Larsen commented
    November 25, 2023 13:12

    This is an issue as we basically have to explain this to all our customers that want to use the editor. Unnecessary friction

  • Guest commented
    August 23, 2023 20:37

    "Obviously", this is quite an issue. 🙃

  • Finn commented
    November 20, 2022 14:15

    Not a full solution, but in my case I just wanted to check out a new post on the staging site ( without posting to the main site. You can do that by changing the post to "Staged for publish" in the Editor and then publish the whole site to just one domain via the Designer.

  • Red Letter commented
    April 01, 2022 13:54

    Please address this!

  • Ben Schweitzer commented
    March 17, 2022 22:57

    Seriously, how is this not fixed yet?

  • Caleb Peffer commented
    January 31, 2022 20:54


    I'm not sure the phrasing of the initial idea speaks to how urgent fixing this should be.

    This small error has literally poisoned my experience with Webflow, which was good up unitil this point. I have to explain to a client why their grand opening was released, ufinished, 2 days before the unvealing. I also have to figure out how to keep their Editors from accidentally clicking the publish button.

    Not sure how you prioritze your fixes, but move this to the TOP of the list.

  • Caleb Peffer commented
    January 31, 2022 20:40

    The current system made me look bad in front of a client.

    It's unintuitive in the worst way. THIS SHOULDN'T have taken 4 years to improve. I can't justifiably recomend webflow after this.

  • HYPE Team commented
    August 28, 2021 07:48

    This should be avaliable in Editor as well...

  • Christer Persson commented
    July 26, 2021 12:12

    For others that stumble into this huge deficiency in the editor, another user on the forum over at actually came up with a stop-gap solution/css-hack to avoid this HUGE headache until webflow solves this natively...

    add this to the head of your site - it removes the publish button completely.


    /** * Staging Improvements */

    .w-editor-publish-controls .w-editor-publish {

    display: none !important;



    Editors can then publish CMS items individually, any changes to the design has to be published through the designer - not good - but much better than the alternative :D

  • Dan commented
    January 29, 2021 18:43

    This is probably the #1 deficiency with Webflow.

    The feature of having Editors, but with no feature for handling permissions for publishing makes giving out editor rights simply lunacy.

    At our company, we don’t currently give contenot or page owners editor rights even though this is one of the main reasons one would subscribe to a WCMS.

  • VOUS Web commented
    January 27, 2021 01:28

    Any update on implementing something to solve the issue of Editors publishing changes meant for staging to live/production? Can we give them a choice like in the designer?

  • Erik Ponnert commented
    June 12, 2020 12:34

    I concur, there has to be a separation with the publishing of the work carried out in the Designer as opposed to the Editor. I see that this request has been active for a long time and this is a much needed functionality and should be introduced sooner rather than later.

  • Thilo Wolter commented
    April 07, 2020 08:34

    This is a very important issue and actually makes us consider switching away from WebFlow because our editors keep accidentally publishing mid-work changes from my design process causing horrible bugs on the live site. Until an advanced rights management for editors is implemented, I think the "publish" option for editors should be removed and make "publish selective item" the standard option because this is what everybody is expecting anyway!

  • Matt Brodersen commented
    March 12, 2020 14:31

    I made the decision to move my company's website away from WordPress to Webflow. I'm actively in the process of moving our blog into the Webflow framework as part of our corporate domain. I need the ability to publish certain pages and CMS collections selectively. Currently I do one weekly push on our corporate site and many times there are pages on our site that take a few days to finalize and test before pushing live. The blog will sometimes have three posts per week that will need to go live. This is going to cause some major issues. Please get this feature implemented.

  • TRUE commented
    September 30, 2019 10:39

    Is this really how it works?!?! If editors want to publish their changes, they have no choice other than publishing all changes by anyone else? That sounds crazy!

  • Law Creative commented
    July 15, 2019 21:08

    This should absolutely be a standard feature...

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