Allow for partial refunds / single item refunds

When a customer purchases multiple items via Webflow Ecommerce, it may be that only one of the items needs to be returned or refunded.

Right now, only a full refund can be issued. This also causes reporting issues.

It would be great to be able to issue partial refunds, maybe by clicking a button and then checking which items are to be refunded.

  • Oliver Mcquitty
  • Nov 24 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Mareperpetua commented
    4 Aug, 2022 01:52am

    This needs to happen ASAP

  • Tyler Joseph commented
    2 Jul, 2022 05:39am

    Totally agree

  • Abdul-Rahman Abbas commented
    10 May, 2022 09:28pm

    This is extremely key! Need to be able to partially refund them and send an adjusted receipt showing the partial refund and the new total.

  • Rhys Dyson commented
    1 Nov, 2021 06:59am

    I did a partial refund through PayPal as I set up the pricing/shipping costs wrong within Webflow, and that marked the entire order within Webflow as "refunded", meaning that any other management of this order and emails are all going to be lost now.

  • Phil Holt commented
    5 Jul, 2021 06:34pm

    Completely agree - this is standard functionality that must be included.

  • All Skinwear commented
    4 Jun, 2021 07:55am

    This is so important, please fix this asap as this is such un important part of an e-commerce and our customers get so upset with our way of working partial refunds!!

  • Wai Phyo commented
    1 Jun, 2021 10:50pm

    It is such an important part of Ecommerce order process and every other providers are doing it. I am not sure how this issue is still not fixed ??

  • Angie Farrugia commented
    28 Apr, 2021 02:09am

    Please add this one - including refunding by a dollar amount not just by product.

  • All Skinwear commented
    6 Apr, 2021 06:52am

    This is very necesary for ecommerce, and it is really a drawback don't have the option that other supports do.

  • Antonia Bolla commented
    23 Jan, 2021 12:12pm

    This is super important! We need this asap! Please

  • Joel commented
    7 Dec, 2020 12:47pm

    How on earth did eCommerce get shipped without this feature of partial refunds!? It's such as common use case.

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