CMS: Crop Tool on Image upload (Width + Height constrained by Admin)

Instead of just writing a help note "Please upload 200x200px only" (that rarely gets honored),
Please let us specify a Width + Height of the image to be uploaded in the CMS collection's item.

So that when the collaborator uploads his image, he's constrained by a Crop tool dialog, that force him to crop and position their image properly.

Think about Facebook / Twitter's Profile Image "Crop Tool" dialog.

I believe Webflow would be the first in the world to create such a  playful image feature in a CMS!
(that's customizable by the admin for each collection item).

Want to push it a little further?
Let the Collaborators play with CSS Image filters as well! (Boy that would be amazing)

Screenie Attached.

  • Ambre Hadjez
  • Feb 7 2017
  • Eva Pettifor commented
    5 Jul, 2017 05:33am

    I would love to see this, even if it wasn't as fancy as letting the user position their image (which would be awesome!) but to start off with if it could be resized/cropped automatically from the centre of the image would be a huge improvement on the limited way we can do it now. I often do layouts with images that need to be an exact size/proportions and expecting my clients to resize to pixel perfect size from experience never happens and they either mess up their page or need to ask me to do this for them. Thanks.

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