Override Colors & Background Colors on Symbols

Would love the ability to set font colors and background colors as symbol overrides on navigation bars and such.

  • Jake Steelman
  • Dec 6 2020
  • Planned
  • Nicole Cmar commented
    29 Apr 16:33

    When will this be released? Looks like it's been planned for a long time, and this would save me a ton of hassle.

  • Nicole Cmar commented
    15 Mar 01:32

    When will this be released?

  • Quizness commented
    July 07, 2023 19:48

    planned for when? :-D

  • Enzo D commented
    October 17, 2022 02:09

    This would be very helpful, would use this on almost every multipage design!

  • Nóra Pers-Kovács commented
    September 05, 2022 11:25

    please just do it

  • Sean Pritzkau commented
    August 25, 2022 14:24

    This would be (very) useful for navs that require a different color per page.

  • Alex Dixon commented
    August 16, 2022 18:03


    This would be very helpful and save designers time.

    Not having this feature means there are a lot of use cases were symbols can't be used but should be.

  • Flow Bies commented
    August 16, 2022 04:37

    Please, That would be a cool feature!

  • Vera Scrace commented
    July 28, 2022 10:47

    Please make it possible, would be so helpful and expand the symbols use possibilities

  • Nicolas Pettini commented
    July 04, 2022 09:05

    That would be a nice improvement!

  • Alison McDonald commented
    June 29, 2022 18:47

    Please! Such a needed feature!

  • Danila Mouzytchenko commented
    June 29, 2022 07:22

    We need this! +1

  • Jonny Rich commented
    April 12, 2022 15:00

    Yes this! Would loke some CMS pages to have a transparent nav — would be grat not to unlink the instance :)

  • Civil Team commented
    April 08, 2022 14:43

    PLEASE. There are so many useless things I can override, but not color?

  • Ash Moore commented
    February 17, 2022 19:37


  • +45