Google Fonts - always use display=swap to improve Lighthouse scores

By default, Google fonts are loaded like this:

WebFont.load({  google: {    families: ["Open Sans:300,300italic,400,400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic"]  }});

By appending &display=swap to the families parameter, it will use font-display: swap; in the CSS:

WebFont.load({  google: {    families: ["Open Sans:300,300italic,400,400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic&display=swap"]  }});

And then... I will have my perfect Lighhouse score 😢

  • David King
  • Dec 14 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Wood Rodgers commented
    2 Jan 09:50pm

    I'd really like to see this added to the Google Fonts CDN URLs. It's the one thing that keeps creeping up on my page rank score as an issue.

  • UENI Product commented
    24 Feb, 2023 09:15am

    Is there any progress?

  • Tor Vegard Tobiassen commented
    16 Feb, 2022 02:11pm

    please.. This should be a quick fix ?

  • Glenn S. Pedersen commented
    21 Sep, 2021 07:28pm

    This is a simple fix that will improve the pagespeed scores of thousands of your customers. Please do this as soon as possible.

  • Grapheec Creative Agency commented
    6 Jul, 2021 09:06pm

    I don't think this a wishlist feature, sounds more like a neglected bug. Please fix this Webflow team. Add &display=swap when using Google fonts.

  • +10