Native booking/Appointment system

This feature along with the upcoming user accounts update would be the turning point for Webflow and would be the ultimate feature set for our agency and many others.

My clients would love having a native booking system rather than paying for a 3th party app, which they often cant afford because of the industri they are in. These businesses need to keep costs at a minimum.

Webflow is a powerful platform but lack som fuctionality that would make it easier to create websites for certain clients.

One of them being saloons and other bussineses that have a need for a integrated booking system on their website.

  • Lykad Studios
  • Jan 9 2021
  • Reviewed
  • Omar Assem commented
    14 Nov, 2022 09:58pm

    that is so needed and it's a huge plus for editor x

  • +4