Currently, native form text input options are:
Ifrequenctly do manual validation rules in data-id or custom attributes. It would be nice to have the other validations native in webflow.
Website Input Validation
Usecase: "What is your website?: [__input website here__]
non https prefix:,
https prefix:
Address Input Validation (with address Wizard)
Usecase: What is your business address? (Not to be confused with e-commerce address fields). Form setup wizard ask type(s) of address input you need, particularly useful for common pick-list!!!.
Street Input
123 Street
City (text)
(!!!) Prepopulated Picklist of all states (note: I sometimes painstakingly manually add 50 states to picklist, please add prepopulated picklist, in fact one of my teams chose Unbounce over Webflow for a project for this very reason because Unbounce had all prepopulated picklist fields.)
Picklist Country
Postal Code
00000 or 00000-0000
Date Input Validation
Day (1-31)
Month (1-12)
Month Format Wizard
Year (xxxx)
Year Format Wizard
Native Hidden Field Validation
Hidden form valdation is a must have for CRM users.
Current URL (hidden field)
Landing Page (hidden field, comes with setup wizard)
URI Query (auto parse ?peram= to hidden field(s), comes with setup wizard)
Picklist Import Text File:
Please add this it would save lots of time when working on dozens of custom input picklist variables. Huge time-saver.
Picklist field import txt wizard
New Basic Text Field Input Settings
I currently use custom attributes for this, but it would be nice to see it in native field settings. These settings will make it much easier to be CRM compliant.
Min lengh should be native to input text field settings (multiple usecases)
Max lengh should be native to input text field settings (multiple usecases)
Allow (or disallow) space(s) should be native toggle to input text field settings (useful for fields that require OR does not allow spacebar inputs - this is for CRM compatibility)
Allow (or disallow) metacharacters (.,':!@....etc) should be native text field settings (especially useful for NAME inputs)
Must Contain character should be native text field option setting (especially useful for reference ticket submissions, that must contain '-')
Mirror Text Input Field
Real usecase: Step 1: enter e-mail-> Step-2: Modal input all contact information. Modal Email field should match what is input step 1
Mirror field should have similar settings to Lightbox Grouping
Mirror field(s) on previous page would be very useful!
IX2 Form Autofocus
Click button, autofocus on input field in modal. Set up as IX2 source -> focus target.
An update to native (codeless) validation and prepopulated picklists will be a huge game changer.
Thank you for your consideration.
See image:
There are actually multiple plugins available for wordpress websites to minify the html code output but in order to minify the html with webflow websites, you have to be careful.
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Individual form fields validation is required by WCAG, therefore it would be very handy to see this functionality in Webflow.
I'd like for validation and autofill to occur for Ecommerce customers