Add Title Tag and Meta Description character counters

Everyone who is familiar with SEO knows that you should limit the number of characters in your page's Title Tag and Meta Description so that Google doesn't clip them if they're too long. It would be nice if there were a visible character counter that echos the number of characters you have typed into these fields so that you know if you're about to hit the recommended limits. As it is, I have to switch out of the Designer and go to a website that shows the count or else into my desktop editor. Twitter does something like this when you type in a tweet. This would be a nice capability in Webflow.

  • Robert Flaugher
  • May 13 2021
  • Reviewed
  • Austin Skillings commented
    May 03, 2022 17:08

    Completely agree. I wonder why there is not more votes for this. I understand people are designers, but as a marketer this is a necessity. I have to take all my descriptions and title tags and paste into a google sheets with a formula to tell my character count. It would be SO convenient if it just did that in Webflow. It already shows a suggestion, but adding a character count would be so much more useful.