Export in Bootstrap 4 (and Import Bootstrap projects)

I know it's not Webflow's current business model. But my Startup clients can't work with Webflow's extract because it's not compatible with Bootstrap 3/4. 

  • Laura Juhen
  • Feb 12 2017
  • Steve Shpilsky commented
    17 Mar, 2019 05:01am


  • CSS Ninja commented
    10 Jan, 2019 04:30pm

    EXACTLY! Importing and exporting in Bootstrap v4.2.1 would make Webflow probably the most competitive platform on the planet .. it's fine to have Bootstrap templates but what good are they if there is no integrated CMS? Add a Bootstrap (and Foundation) version of Webflow and this platform will rock.

  • Sanbron Liong commented
    27 Jan, 2018 04:44pm

    It would be awesome! Designer and Developer WIN-WIN

  • Yaroslav Glodov commented
    16 Dec, 2017 09:55am

    Awesome feature which webflow MUST HAVE.

    And would be great to manage such code templates to change them to any framework.

  • Creative Team commented
    13 Dec, 2017 11:05pm

    This would open up a whole swathe of options for us and our processes.

  • Victor Goutay commented
    26 Oct, 2017 03:06pm

    It'll be great if you could export the code with bootstrap-grid classes. The code would be definitely more maintainable.

  • Rhami Aboud commented
    7 Apr, 2017 04:05pm

    Yes! That would be the ultimate feature

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