Color/ Image swatches for Webflow E-commerce

The addition of variant buttons was great, but there are many many use-cases where you'd want to be able to display a small image thumbnail as a variant, instead of plain text (for example for clothing, all of my competitors are using image swatches instead of dropdowns or regular text buttons). All we need is the ability to add an image to the button and pull the Variant Image.

And for color swatches, the ability to add a color picker field to the CMS item and dynamically pull it. It would be a great addition to the customization of the product page.

At the moment, for product image swatches i'm using a very manual workaround where i've segmented each color into a different cms item and tied the together with a multi-reference field, but there are many reasons this is not optimal.

Please take the variant button feature all the way to the end.

  • Babus Design
  • Jul 13 2021
  • Reviewed
  • Seungkuk Noh commented
    27 Feb, 2023 02:22pm

    I 100% aggree with you. we need it!!!

  • Dylan O commented
    18 Oct, 2022 11:48am

    Agreed, been waiting for product varient swatches for a longgggg time, and login/profile for log of purchased products ect......WEBFLOW PLEASE

  • David Shantz commented
    24 Jun, 2022 12:27am

    Color options have to be the MOST common of any product variants, and the one that needs a visual button. Having a description or name ("Sunshine Yellow") for a color is like dancing about architecture... This should be a no-brainer, as it must be easy to implement and gets Webflow a step closer to being a professional-grade solution for e-commerce. (PS. we really need log-ins with accounts FFS). Consider that with THIS there is the prospect that perhaps those template-loving-fairies at Shopify will be laughing a little less jolly come next Christmas...

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