Add giphy videos

I want to show boomerang-like videos on my website that auto-play. I tried adding a Giphy video, but the video is hard to load and only appears when the page is refreshed.

  • Asha Bacon
  • Jul 21 2021
  • Already exists
  • Admin
    Webflow Admin commented
    22 Jul, 2021 05:09pm

    Hey Asha, there are two ways to add Giphy files on your site.

    1. Use the video component and paste the link in the element settings

    2. Use the rich text component and on a new line click the plus icon. Then select the embed rich content button which looks like a music note and map pin. Lastly paste the link.

    There are no settings to control the Giphy files in Webflow. They will automatically loop the whole file.

    One other option is to download the Giphy file and upload it into the assets panel. In that case, you will add it to the page as an image. Hope that helps.