Clean Specific Unused Styles

Currently, the Style Manager only allows one to clean up all unused styles. Some of these styles might be needed when adding Selected, onFocus, Hover interaction via code (not currently available natively).  The ability to clean up specific unused styles would be a great help around this issue. 

  • Alex Manyeki
  • Feb 15 2017
  • Lisa Andronova commented
    27 Mar, 2017 10:46pm

    The problem is however when you export the site, the unused style are still there just that they are not tied down to any elements.

  • John Smith commented
    15 Feb, 2017 11:37am

    I personally solve this by making web page for the purpose of collecting styles I never want cleaned up. I add divs and assign them the styles there and this workaround works for me just fine.

  • +5