Add an "Enable Browser Caching" feature to Site Settings

If this is possible it could be nice for site's that don't expect to experience many changes or shortly after finishing a big change.

  • William Wong
  • Feb 16 2017
  • Patrick Farsch commented
    17 Jul 11:05

    This is essential - please add this feature, we are in 2024.

  • Natalia Urbanowicz commented
    April 21, 2023 08:56

    Please prioritize

  • Altanest SAS commented
    April 19, 2023 09:37

    This is essential I think

  • Tony Peacock commented
    February 12, 2023 16:41

    This has plenty of votes and important for SEO, please prioritize.

  • Green Box commented
    June 03, 2022 15:39

    Yup, should be a thing

  • Guest commented
    March 31, 2022 15:01

    You can export with and then apply custom cache control, security headers :)

  • Jake Labate commented
    January 12, 2022 01:36

    Please Please Please

  • Michelle Hansen commented
    September 20, 2021 01:40

    Please add this to reduce load time for users.

  • Hannah Dawson commented
    August 12, 2021 12:30

    Surely this basic is something Webflow is working on?????

  • Josh Attwood commented
    March 10, 2021 05:56

    Would love this

  • BlogItIn commented
    January 07, 2021 10:18

    Please Webflow, consider changing this.

  • Toby O. Rink commented
    December 10, 2020 23:51

    Hm. Three years and no reaction. :-(

  • Garrett R commented
    October 05, 2020 16:25

    Very important, it's a worry that this has been on the list so long.

  • Silent House commented
    October 01, 2020 22:13

    This would really help speed up my website's load time (which is currently background video heavy), but if those videos could be loaded while the rest of the site is active, would be clutch!

  • Diana Goodwin commented
    June 23, 2020 01:26

    Hi William, any updates on where this sits in the product roadmap? I see its been a popular ask for a few years. Thanks

  • Charles Gombert commented
    June 19, 2020 09:37


  • Arnel Bukva commented
    March 24, 2020 14:02

    My agency loves using webflow, but due to a plethora of complaints from our clients about this feature (among others) not being available, we are planning to move all our clients to a alternative hosting and recreating their websites i wordpress, unless this feature gets added before the end of summer.

    Appreciate your good work (and product). But this is a vital feature for an agency like ours, and many others.

  • Rachel Brown commented
    February 24, 2020 16:52

    Needing to hone my page speed for SEO. Please add this in soon Webflow

  • Claudia Weason commented
    February 19, 2020 14:53

    please add

  • Peter Farrell commented
    February 06, 2020 15:30

    Please, please, please enable this feature ASAP!

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