Toggle switch for background video compression

You probably know that webflow compresses each background video uploaded on their platform. But that compression algorithm would go a step further and decrease the resolution, bitrate and file size until you see a blurry video on top of the screen.

I think users should be given a choice if they want to compress their video or not. Or if we can go one step further can ask the amount of compression required on the video. It would reduce users like me to go host the video on Aws S3 and embed them on webflow.

Thanks in Advance

  • Gaurav Singh
  • Feb 2 2022
  • Joel Arvidsson commented
    27 Sep, 2022 01:31pm

    I hope its solved. This is unacceptable.

  • Svilen Georgiev commented
    30 Jun, 2022 02:39pm

    That would be an awesome addition.

  • Kunder Kamille commented
    9 Feb, 2022 03:07pm

    Hello. You can follow these steps. Open up the vide in quick time which is generally the default video player on the mac. Open your MOV file and choose FILE > EXPORT AS > FILE SIZE.

    cupcake 2048

  • Ladarius Lang commented
    9 Feb, 2022 04:14am

    I’ve added this a wishlist request to have a toggle between compressed and non compressed video: Toggle switch for background video compression | Webflow Wishlist

    Make sure to vote it up so we can get a better solution in the future.


  • Aditya Pande commented
    2 Feb, 2022 04:29am

    I require that as well!!! Please