Please provide an easy way to stop displaying after the date in a field has passed, or 30 days after. Super important for automating lists of date-bound offerings, such as classes and workshops, enrollment dates, etc.
Take for example a date in future that is a deadline, after which the record should disappear from the webpage. The current option is "From Today to x Days in the Past (or Future)". It would be infinitely more helpful if it was "From x Days Before (or After) [date field]". Programming it from "Today" is basically useless for most applications.
here you will colllect the information about improved Date Filters , and also on this site you will see the details about toolkit uses in Microsoft windows.
How is it still not possible to use actual dates in the date filter? Show all items from January or 2019 is one of the simplest date filters. Webflow is great but then you run into this duh moment. Folks. Please add hard dates to date filtering asap.
A list of things that aren’t possible with Webflow CMS with date/time, yet:
— a date field that has no time
— a time field that has no date
— use international time (AM/PM didn’t bring you to the moon! )
— break down time data in hour, minutes, seconds etc (mainly for style purposes)
— filter on time (like “What’s the earliest screening of all the screenings entered for the whole summer”)
— filter on a given month (“all events in August”)
— filter on a month range (ie: calendar season, sport season etc)
— filter on a date range
— filter on a time range
I just hit a wall with my current project, and more robust date filtering of dynamic lists would be a HUGE addition.
I've built an Events collection, and each event has a start/end date. My goal is to present to our users an event listing in a tab component with three tabs:
Tab 1: This Week
this seems to be possible with current date filtering.
Tab 2: Coming Up
Seems impossible with current date filtering options, since it always starts with "Today" in the filter settings. I was expecting to be able to filter by picking the start date for the filter (ex: Next Monday, or +7 days from now through infinity)
Is there another way to show collection items for "Next week and beyond?"
Tab 3: Past Events
Seems easy enough using current tools.