Simplify the Heading tool

It would be nice if there was a more straight forward way to deal with Headings. Currently they are a little confusing and hard to keep track of, especially in a team setting. They kinda exists in their own demotion where a heading element can have a class applied to it which effects style but there are the options to switch to H1-H6 in the setting panel which will also effect the elements style so they counter act each other in many cases. As a small example, I can have a heading set to "H1" in the settings panel which effects it's appearance. But I can also have a class attached to that very same heading in the style panel called "H2" or "Heading 2". It's very confusing and as far as I can tell it's the only element that functions in this way. It would really help if the standard H1-H6 options were put in the style panel similar to how "List" elements work where you can change the bullet style from circles to numbers and so on. After all it only makes sense considering you even edit the HTML tags for all standard headings in the style panel as well.

  • Mar 20 2022