Provide a state-of-the-art Zapier integration

What does state-of-the-art means:

  • Propper documentation

  • Propper support

  • Reference fields

  • More compatible fields/mapping with airtable and notion

  • Add/update instead of add or update

  • Built-in solutions for the most commons problems and hurdles like date formats, encoding. etc

This is nothing that can be build by the community alone. Neither Nobull nor Whalesync is even close to building a business (all still beta and no propper support) with. Some essentials need to be delivered by Webflow.

In the last few days, there were lots of talks from Webflow about Phase3, Enterprise, and even Web3. Closing some gaps on present problems first would be good to see.

  • Georg Kuklick
  • Mar 26 2022