Increase API Rate Limits

The API rate limits are set way to low (60 per minute) if you have a popular website with many users with an outside service that does API calls.

Are there any plans to allow a higher rate limit for high-traffic websites that do a lot of API calls to the Webflow framework?

To low of a rate limit will majorly impact serious developers from even using the framework at all if there is a possibility of a HTTP 429 error and API calls not going through.  It is unrealistic to have this kind of behavior on an API.  There should be API tiers to allow for higher API traffic handling of high-volume websites.

  • Michael Kadron
  • Feb 27 2017
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  • Tony Ennis commented
    September 15, 2020 02:14

    For anyone who needs this urgently, please email me at Fired up a proxy app for a customer this morning to remove the API limits (load tested up to 3000 requests per second) - if this is something people will pay for, I'll open it up.

  • Gilles Hage commented
    September 15, 2020 02:12

    For anyone who needs this urgently, please email me at Fired up a proxy app for a customer this morning to remove the API limits (load tested up to 3000 requests per second) - if this is something people will pay for, I'll open it up.

  • Eric Unger commented
    May 26, 2020 01:23

    Yes please! This is especially important with Ecommerce being so limited, so if you're using Integromat or similar automation service, you hit the limit quickly. I would even pay $ monthly for access to a "premium" API.
    >300 per minute would be ideal.

  • James Vreeken commented
    November 28, 2017 20:39

    We are running into the same issue.  the rate limit is very low.  Right now we have 167 cms articles, and without the ability to filter on collection items we have to first get all the items with pagination of 100 per request and then iterate over the 167 items to find the ones we want to modify.  So there is a lot of custom coding around the collection pagination and rate limits which are pretty low.  We can make what we need to work but even doubling these limits would help immensely.  If the rate limits were doubled it would solve a lot of problems for many developers who otherwise wouldn't be able to work with the API at all because of the low limits.

    Double the rate limit from 60/minute to 120/minute and the collection to return 200 per page instead of 100 as the maximum items to return. Also allow the ability to filter a collection request by a field so that I could query the collection for items that are published, draft, archive, etc... or by a custom specified field.

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