Add notes of things to do

It would be great if you could just add a note for things that need to be done or changed.
Sure, you can keep track of your personal notes in a Word document or Evernote or whatever. But a simple overlay/popup with your notes per site or per page/template in the Designer is also very helpfull (maybe as an extra menu-entry, see attached screenshot, in the sidebar in Designer called 'Notes').
Make it a list you can check/uncheck, for example: change max-width of the overall design to 1920px. But also things to be aware of, like: 'I created a global CSS class (in Custom Code) called 'mt-80' (margin-top: 80px;) that you can apply to all sections directly positioned under the overall header. This will not be reflected in Designer, but it will be after publishing.'

Especially handy when more team-members are working on the same website, so all notes of every member stays in one place.

  • Studio Opmeer
  • Apr 23 2022