DATE / TIME Picker in the EDITOR mode

For clients, using the editor makes sense, until you want to edit dates/times.

They can edit everything (ie. on an event schedule) except, you guessed it, the date/time. So you might as well stay in the designer mode to get the job done.

Here is past webflow project that is heavily date/time dependent.

I sort CMS data based on this this date/time picker field.  So changing it to text for the sake of editibility wouldn't work.  Then I cannot sort properly..

  • Jay Bussiere
  • Mar 1 2017
  • Veena Jz commented
    21 Feb, 2022 01:24pm

    thanks for this, it is nice.

    Regards recruitment

  • Samuel commented
    31 Aug, 2017 02:03am

    Duplicate of