Placeholder / default values for CMS custom fields

When creating CMS collection items, I often fill in the same information for most of the items. It would be great if I could set a placeholder or default value for all custom fields, and only change it if necessary.

  • Tuomas Pitkänen
  • May 27 2022
  • Jack Vanstone commented
    22 Sep 12:35

    Really need this, my client doesn't always have CMS item images when they go live but they want to place the brand logo there instead, I can work around this with layer stacking but this isn't ideal - there should be a placeholder content option for CMS fields, particularly CMS items

  • Tangivel Lda commented
    02 Jul 14:18

    Totally agree! This could be really usefull for Rich text fields where we could build a template with a complex structure and like that the user would't need to build it again for every new CMS item

  • Nicolas Lassaux commented
    11 Jan 12:27

    That would be awesome for redundant items like og:images, for example

  • Nicolas Lassaux commented
    11 Jan 12:27

    That would be awesome for redundant items like og:images, for example