Make clonables and unpuplished sites not count against the 10 unhosted sites limit for Core workspaces

It really feels like a step back for the community having to delete free clonables projects from my Core workspace account in order to avoid paying an extra 30USD a month.

I like to keep an archive of old projects I've copied and transferred to clients. Now the only option is to delete either these client backup copies or the free clonables I've made that are being used by others in the community.

To me it would seem more fair, if unpublished projects didn't count against the 10 unhosted sites limit, as well as any showcased, clonable project.

  • Jesper Vestergaard
  • Sep 1 2022
  • Mario Garcia commented
    13 Mar, 2023 09:45pm

    I fully support the idea, that only sites count or come to count and not the unhosted as such since copies take up space. UP!!!

  • Seán Marsh commented
    13 Sep, 2022 03:43am

    I absolutely agree with this! This limitation will destroy the generous community that's been growing for years.