Get a preview/overview of where Symbols are used on the website

Just like you can see where different classes are used on different pages with the Style Manager's: "Elements affected on other pages".

It would be neat to have the same functionality on Symbols.

Right now the Symbols overview only shows the amount of instances.
That is not super helpful when you don't know where they are placed.

It's very time consuming going over 100 static pages and 500+ CMS Collection pages to find these.

The reason this is much needed is because you can't delete an active Symbol with x amount of instances.

You have to find all the instances and delete them one at the time.. So when you want to clean all your Symbols it can take ages.

Having an overview like the Style Manager you can see exactly which pages you would have to go to and delete the Symbol.

Another feature that could help this is a hard delete button in the Symbol overview.

  • Esben Engsted
  • Sep 15 2022