CMS Client-Side Auto Image Resizer

One of the major issues I have with clients is that they attempt to upload images to their CMS that are larger than 4MB. I'm fine on my end optimizing images, but I wish there was a way to automatically compress images that are being uploaded by clients to <4MB. Many times they cannot understand why they aren't allowed to upload files. 

  • Michael Messina
  • Mar 15 2017
  • Leon Vermij commented
    October 24, 2024 09:07

    Even if it was just on the designer side it would already be helpfull. I import cms item trough csv and items with images above 4mb are not imported. and some images are just way to big for the usecase. I can't inspect al 2000+ image links and adjust those.

  • Clark AG commented
    November 09, 2021 20:55

    100% WE NEED THIS — One of the amazing features that drew me to Webflow was the super simple Client Editor mode. This was a well thought out feature, considering what a headache it is teaching Wordpress clients how to use their own website.

    All this simplicity is rendered a little but useless when I have to create complex instructions on how to resize images to clients who don't have any photo editing software, and were told everything would be easy.

  • Dave Cruickshank commented
    January 05, 2021 16:46

    I COMPLETELY agree with this, and feel that this is the one feature missing from Webflow that would make it perfect for me.

    In the CMS I use more often (Statamic) there is a functionality called GLIDE that allows you to set the resize, crop, and focal point (as well as add other effects like watermarks).

    The ability to resize to any aspect ratio (not rescale) an image (while respecting a specified focal point) to fit a specific useage on your website (while retaining access to the original-size image) would be a god-send to Webflow.

    Object-fit is a workaround, but not a full-on solution.

  • Hamish Maclean commented
    October 16, 2020 01:57

    And srcset resizing still does not work for CMS images. So even compressed images will not have a smaller mobile version loaded.

  • PS Werbung commented
    June 28, 2018 13:28

    Thats a good point… webflow should handle the large files, downsize them to a (admin set) default max. size, of course also with the thumbnail(s).

    And one step further: webflow should handle focus points / croppings / aspect ratio zooms of images. Had this in my older CMS, was VERY HANDY to make style templates only for responsive resizing / cropping images!

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