trigger web-hook when item is created

it would be really helpful to be able to trigger webhooks when a collection item has been created/updated/deleted, so that a tool-chain could do some data processing based upon those events.

  • Peter Schröder
  • Mar 16 2017
  • Hamish Maclean commented
    26 Feb, 2020 06:01am

    Need an item updated hook as well. One of airtable's most valuable hooks

  • Martin Adams commented
    29 Mar, 2019 10:50pm

    This would be so useful for blog automation! Currently looking into this for Webflow-hosted page at

  • Martin Adams commented
    29 Mar, 2019 10:50pm

    This would be so useful for blog automation! Currently looking into this for Webflow-hosted page at

  • Peter Schröder commented
    22 Mar, 2017 04:01pm

    i evaluated a possible workaround with using the "site_publish" webhook, but since i want to use the webhook to actually publish more content, that would result in a loop.

    the webhook payload has no uniq indicator that i could use to break the loop. using the published date could work, but it's not explicit.

  • +14