Text editing has been semi-broken forever, causing data loss – Bug needs fixed

At least since I started using Webflow in 2018, editing a text field (simple text, rich text, static, CMS, doesn't matter) works maybe 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time it looks like it works, but when you navigate away and then return (or just refresh the page) the text you entered has parts missing and/or is garbled. When this happens, it's always caused by pasting text and/or adding formatting like hyperlinks, italics, etc. (though most of the time those operations work fine). It can happen even when pasting plain unformatted text, sometimes even text from other Webflow fields. No other web service has a similar problem (e.g. MailChimp, Wix, etc.).

This happens at least in Google Chrome on Mac. Not sure about other platforms.

I have reported this bug many times (very thoroughly). Every time has been ignored or given the runaround to purgatory. I am still losing text to it on a regular basis, four years and counting.

I can't be the only one labouring under this bug. Seeing as it causes data loss, it should have been a top priority to fix a long time ago. Please upvote this.

  • Giles Holland
  • Nov 18 2022
  • Pj commented
    10 Dec, 2024 02:52am

    Still happening. It'll be 2025 in a few weeks.

  • Robin Talbert commented
    26 Jun, 2024 10:27pm

    Yes I am having this exact issue as well

  • Ben Schweitzer commented
    25 Jan, 2024 05:15pm

    Same here. Doesn't happen all the time but when it happens it is infuriating and there is very littel that can be done to fix it.

  • Dylan Perry commented
    13 Jun, 2023 08:02pm

    I have also experienced this bug for as long as I've worked with Webflow (since 2021, on Chrome / Windows). I have searched many times for a solution, and never found much acknowledgement of the bug to start with. I'm glad to find this, so I know I'm not the only one experiencing it!