Remove shopping cart via custom jquery/javascript

Hello there.

I am working on a E-commerce project which is getting built with Webflow.

According to requirements, I need to empty my shopping cart by only using custom jquery or javascript.

is there any way of doing this or any alternate method.

any suggestion or any feedback will be highly appreciated.


  • Ram Chander
  • Nov 26 2022
  • AJ Bernsdorff commented
    22 Feb, 2023 12:11am

    I am trying to build a website for a cleaning company I am starting. I want to user to select the type of service which takes them to another page with CMS products/categories. I ask the user a series of questions such as how many bedrooms and such (which affects the price). The issue is, say they don't book or press the back button to see what they had selected, all of the answers they chose are still in the cart. Meaning if they go through the series of questions again, every option will be added to the cart again resulting in double the price. I wish there were a simpler way to create a booking interface with webflow but it seems to cater towards physical products instead of services. I also wish there were more customizability with the open cart feature. I will continue to try to figure something out, maybe with custom code