After uploading a new website with a few videos in it, I received a report from Google Search Console that my videos didn't have thumbnails associated to the videos.
I think this should be a simple update and can be made as a part of the sitemap.
Here's a link to read more about it
When we received email from Google Search Console even we didn’t able to solve this until we make below change
Resolve No thumbnail URL provided in Webflow1200×628 53.2 KB
To add a thumbnail for a background video in Advanced Elements in Webflow and fix ‘No Thumbnail URL provided’, you can use the following steps:
Create a new div block and position it over the background video.
Add an image to the div block.
Style the image to look like a thumbnail.
Hide the div block so that the image can’t be seen.
Once the publishing the site, go to Google Search Console **>**Indexing > Video pages and validate the fix.
4 Steps to Resolve No thumbnail URL provided in Webflow1200×628 95.1 KB
time to act
This really needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. I am now getting regular alerts from Google Console telling me that the background video element on a page doesn't have a thumbnail url. So basically, until this gets sorted, using the background video element will affect a page's SEO ranking negatively.
Can't use the Custom attributes to link to a thumbnail image either as Webflow says that the name 'poster' is a reserved name.
Can Webflow fix this so that a thumbnail url can be linked to please.