Provide "width" and "height" attributes to rich text images for better user experience

Passing "width" and "height" attributes to <img /> prevents constant jumps during scroll as browser knows the size of the image before it's even loaded, refer to:

Rich text <img />s aren't provided with these attributes now.

How it looks now:

<figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image w-richtext-align-center">
<img src="" loading="lazy" alt="What Does Developing Custom Software Mean?">

How it should look for better CLS, and therefore SEO, and therefore user experience:

<figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image w-richtext-align-center">
<img width="1720" height="652" src="" loading="lazy" alt="What Does Developing Custom Software Mean?">
  • Andrew Fan
  • Dec 20 2022