Allow Component properties to be used in custom code Embeds

Allow Component properties to be used in custom code Embeds

For a performant site it's much more beneficial to use SVG code for icons rather than image files.

Currently, we can't create a performance friendly Component that contains an overridable icon.

The ability to add Components fields Custom Code Embed would make this use case possible.

  • Tim Daff
  • Feb 14 2023
  • Max Blankenzee commented
    06 Jul 19:15

    @Pascal thanks for that neat trick!

  • Tangivel Lda commented
    12 Jun 21:08

    Please add this functionality. I need it for a different use case. I have a custom form built in a custom code element and I want to pass all component properties to set default values for each field. I would not need this of course if would be possible to set field values by default, but even that is not allowed...

  • Alex Dixon commented
    30 Apr 15:33


  • Stof Hofer commented
    19 Feb 22:40

    Guys this is missing so sorely, and seems a rather low effort low hanging fruit. Please implement!

  • Pascal Krebs commented
    08 Feb 10:06

    A possible workaround would be to use the rich-text element and put in an embed there. Then you can add a property to the rich-text and edit the embed from there.

  • Guest commented
    September 07, 2023 11:24

    The SVG part had me confused at first, but yeah this is an obvious blind spot ...

    We can use CMS properties inside custom embeds, so why not from components?

    Please add this so that we can have less nasty workarounds when working with code in Webflow.