3D WebGL Canvas components

Be able to create 3d scenes, objects, import your 3d models, etc. Make more interactive and engaging experiences. Like three.js library, it would be awesome to make this kind of things and connect data like d3.js and make shaders too.What do you think? 

  • Gabriel Rosario
  • Mar 31 2017
  • Valentino commented
    10 Jul, 2018 09:09am

    That would be awesome !

  • Chavilah Bennett commented
    8 May, 2017 04:14pm

    This seems like the direction that things are going! Would love to have some of these capabilities in webflow. 

  • Miguel Miranda commented
    25 Apr, 2017 03:30pm

    This would be the next big thing. Awesome!

  • +68