Custom ads.txt in SEO or Integrations Tab

Hi Webflow Guys,

why don't you create a simple text field in the SEO or Integrations tab, like for robots.txt, also for ads.txt?

This is a crucial feautre for monetizing our websites with Adsense and company.

Until a few months ago, a redirect from to any other link worked fine (I hosted the ads.txt file directly in the site's media) but now it doesn't seem to work anymore due to some Adsense updates.

A simple text field would be great.

  • Giuseppe Legrottaglie
  • May 5 2023
  • Mike Escoffery commented
    01 Oct 17:27

    How is this not getting more votes?

    Seriously shocked this still isn't possible with webflow. Guess they don't want actual business owners to use webflow.

  • Mike Simpson commented
    09 Aug 17:50

    Yes please! This seems like a very easy feature that would have a large impact.

  • Lucy Nguyen commented
    09 Jul 13:54

    Yes, this has happen to me! I don't know how to fix it