Remove default styling on all Native elements

Many elements come with pre-defined styling, and 100% of the time I find this un-useful and a nuisance! E.g. the Navbar element has a grey background (how many people even want a grey background on their global navigation?), Hs come with predefined padding, and so on.

I would love a way to remove all default styling on elements. I've been hacking this by just going and adjusting things back to what would appear if the style never existed in the first place, but this is not an ideal workflow.

  • Melissa Samworth
  • Jun 9 2023
  • Joachim Brindeau commented
    19 Nov, 2023 05:32am

    If this tool is supposed to be professional, there should be the ability to entirely disable default styles !!

  • Bryan Funk commented
    6 Sep, 2023 12:57am

    Nuisance to say the least! It only gets worse through the years working again and again to remove.