All CMS Fields Editable by Logic Flow

I'd like to bypass webflow editor and use forms in gated member access groups to update content on the site. In order to do this, I need Logic to work on all CMS field types. Especially Rich Text and File Uploads (I would upgrade to business if this Logic Flow option was available.)

  • Kathleen Oliver
  • Jun 30 2023
  • Suzan Szollar commented
    March 15, 2024 16:06

    Specifically voting for Logic to support file fields - especially images/multi-image/video. This has been requested in the community forum since March 2023 and has had 818 views as a request.

    My specific use case is:

    • I built a customer review form in* to collect customer reviews, images and videos

    • I use a webhook to pass the form entry to Webflow CMS

    • I tried to use Logic to put the form entry data and files into a CMS collection as a new entry, but this breaks because Logic doesn't support file fields

    • The workaround I'm trying is to create a new entry in the CMS collection via the Logic step and then:

      • Push files from feathery to dropbox via the feathery integration

      • use Make to pull files from dropbox and add them to the right item as either video or multi-image or image fields - I have not been able to get any of this to work, it's over my head technically. It's incredibly hard without coding knowledge to figure out how to use Make as a workaround to update items with files after creating a CMS item via webhook to Logic connection.

    *I'm using Feathery because:

    A I already pay for Feathery forms, I use it for order placement, it is one of the ONLY tools that easily allows for pre-orders (pushes credit card information to Stripe without charging customer, so I can charge the customer later when the product ships) and

    B. Let's me collect customer measurements for sizing, every other product only allows traditional Size inputs (S/M/L...) which doesn't work for my product, and

    C. Feathery allows multi-image/video upload in forms for customer reviews for example

  • Willow Mannan commented
    August 11, 2023 22:53

    I just built a form relative to a CMS table. The required fields are not currently supported in Logic, the date field is not supported, and the reference field does not populate options in a selectbox.