Serve smaller sized images on mobile screens for rich text element (CMS collections)

In CMS collections (rich text images), the same sized image is always shown, whether it is on a desktop or mobile. Smaller images need to be shown on mobile. It is impossible to get a good core web vital score (mobile) for pages that have images and are built on Webflow mobile because of this, and Google has made it clear that websites WILL be penalized in March 2024 for not having good scores.

Until this is fixed then websites built on Webflow will have their ranking negatively affected, and surely this should be a priority to please fix.

Please make responsive images for RTE as you have for images displayed on static pages. Please!

No amount of optimizing, compressing images, etc., will get a good score. The images displayed on mobile need to be smaller versions. It is not possible to do this manually (in a simple way, none extremely time-consuming, extra expenses, soul-crushing way, anyway).

I think Webflow said it best when this was written on their own website: "Do you think that a 3” phone needs to have an image as large as a 32” monitor to look sharp? Nope! Definitely not."

  • Kate McMahon
  • Jul 25 2023
  • Branden Harvey commented
    18 Aug, 2023 04:32am

    Yes please! Webflow is behind the times on this front.