Add single Collection Item with component property

I would like to be able to have a collection of items, then be able to create a component that has a property allowing me to select the singular CMS item I wish to use for that component.

I should not have to make a Collection List that filters to one item, which I also cannot change because it's inside a component and the filter is not a property.

For example, I want to feature a single staff member on a page, from a list of staff members. I want that feature block to be a component, so I can drop it on another page, and change the CMS item to a different staff member. Without unlinking it.

If there is an existing way to do this, please let me know, I have been trying for a while to get this to work.

Thank you.

  • Andy Makely
  • Jul 31 2023
  • Guest commented
    August 11, 2023 10:39

    +1 ... in the way you are able to pick eg. an image from the library, you also sometimes want/need to pick a single CMS item.

  • TEHERNA JENAE commented
    August 01, 2023 06:51

    As you say it seems like you want to create a component in your Content Management System (CMS) that allows you to select a single item from a collection of items and use that selected item in the component without having to create a separate Collection List. Unfortunately, this functionality may not be directly available in all CMS platforms.

    Some CMS platforms allow you to create a component with a dynamic data source. This means that the data source (e.g., collection or query) for the component can be set dynamically when the component is placed on a page. If your CMS supports this feature, you can create a component that fetches the data based on a parameter or property set when placing the component on the page.