Including YouTube shorts for video options

Any video that falls into the "shorts" category on youtube does not link within the various options for video elements. I've tried video, youtube video, and lightbox; at this time, embedding isn't an option, but it will be in the future (so I'll be trying that once I can). These links also appear not to work when used in CMS collections either. In some cases, I've gotten the "invalid link" message when trying things.

(If this could be taken care of sooner rather than later, that'd be great. I'm a designer/developer that was brought on to this team to make their site for them, and all of their videos are shorts so far.)

  • CenterPointBMX
  • Aug 11 2023
  • Kurl Jakson999 commented
    13 Jul 10:22

    TocreatecoolvideosforyourYoutubeShorts, I recommendusing

  • Kurl Jakson999 commented
    13 Jul 10:21

    TocreatecoolvideosforyourYoutubeShorts, I