Stop Lottie Animation

For now the only option to stop lottie animation is: -> Element trigger -> Scroll into view -> When scrolled out of view -> Lottie playback -> Loop (Turned Off)
In this case, when user scrolled out of view, lottie animation plays once and than stops. But this approach is a little bit unstable and from time to time my lottie animation doesn't play at all. And it is crucial for performance to stop lottie (or even webflow) animation ASAP.

It would be great to have an option like:
Element trigger -> Scroll into view -> When scrolled out of view -> Lottie playback -> Stop animation


Pause animation

  • John Doe
  • Oct 9 2023
  • Christoph Zillgens commented
    17 Jan, 2024 09:13am

    This would also be usefull for all other looped animations.

    Something simple like a checkbox for "Stop animation when out of view" next to the "Loop" checkbox.

  • Angelo Gramatica commented
    12 Dec, 2023 06:21pm

    To have several options to stop a lottie loop would be nice. For example I have a scroll motivator on the hero I want to stop as soon as the user starts scrolling. How am I gonna do that?

  • Vincent Jouty commented
    20 Nov, 2023 10:04pm

    I don't understand why this not the first thing they implemented when adding lottie years ago...