Allow re-ordering of Variables

Just let us re-order variables! Even adding variables to a group doesn't affect their order!

  • Daniel Castro Maia
  • Oct 11 2023
  • Camelia Filip commented
    26 Jul 13:08

    +1 on this. I really need it as I develop the font responsiveness system, I keep adding variables but have no way of seeing them from high to low. The only way someone would know which one comes first is if you create this system prior to developing it in Webflow, like in Figma for example. But if you want to skip Figma and start designing directly in Webflow, it becomes kind of a mess really quickly

  • HYPE Team commented
    07 Jul 12:26

    I think it is ok for the "variables folders" to follow alphabetical order. BUT for Variables inside a folder, it can be messy without reordering functionality.

    Hope to see it soon!
    It is not too difficult to program, right?

  • Tangivel Lda commented
    05 Jun 15:00

    I would expect such simple feature being developed already in Webflow. Cmon... it's 2024 already.

  • Marcio Gutheil commented
    04 Jun 17:44

    +1 to being able to re-order/organize variables in Webflow. Seems like a no-brainer. I was very surprised this wasn't a feature when they added variables, and it still isn't!?!?!

  • Chrissy Pipetti commented
    10 May 17:51

    Here in 2024โ€”please, please add this feature! It's so hard to keep track of groups when you can't reorder, and it makes it really hard to focus on what I'm working on as a neurodivergent person (ADHD).

  • Nicole Cmar commented
    23 Apr 06:44

    Please Webflow, this is essential and would make my life so much easier!

  • Yoel Martherus commented
    22 Apr 08:52

    Frankly, variables are just short of useless without the ability to properly organize them.

  • Derek Shanahan commented
    08 Mar 17:47


  • Nicole Cmar commented
    01 Mar 20:22

    Reordering within folders would really help! Not being able to sort the order of each variable as you go decreases the productivity of this feature and makes it difficult to maintain organization should you need to change things down the line. Please add it. ๐Ÿ™

  • Joel Martin commented
    26 Jan 18:00

    Webflow! Step your game up! We should be able to reorder variables AND CMS ITEMS! Let's see some hustle happening on the development end of things, lest you get overtaken by the incredibly fast shipping team over at FRAMER.

  • Brian Caicco commented
    23 Jan 16:38

    The more I read the comments about webflow the more obvious it becomes they're not a user-centric/customer-centric organization. It makes me wonder if they put all the possible features customers ask for on a board and then toss darts while blindfolded and build whatever they hit.

  • Miri Lama commented
    10 Jan 09:01

    We absolutely need this.

  • Martรญ Pascual Umbert commented
    02 Jan 12:02

    This is a must. The feature is very cool but it's very annoying to have everything unordered.

  • Lane Melancon commented
    December 13, 2023 22:49

    Pretty please.

  • Dave Yoon commented
    November 29, 2023 17:40

    This is definitely something that drives me crazy.

    I've found a way to work around this by adding existing variables into a new group in the preferred order. E.g., If you had an unorganized group of variables called 'colors,' you can rename those vars as 'colors2/variable' in the order you want them listed, and then rename them from 'colors2/variable' to 'colors/variable.'

    It's still unbelievably annoying to do this, but seems to be the only way to reorder them.

  • Kevin Chiang commented
    November 19, 2023 20:08

    Why did y'all make a whole a** redesign and introduced all these new features but didn't give us the ability to sort and order our variables? SMFH why do I pay so much for this crap...

  • Daniel Quaranta commented
    November 09, 2023 06:10

    Please add this, it's much needed

  • Interactive Design Co. commented
    October 27, 2023 16:31

    I need it so much!

  • Lucian Chevallier commented
    October 26, 2023 11:17

    This would be great please!

  • Andres Gonzalez commented
    October 19, 2023 22:00

    Must have, the unorganized variables is driving my OCD nuts ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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