Add Alt Text to Assets API

I'm trying to build an app that makes it easy for people to manage the Alt Text for all of the images on their site in one place. The one thing that's holding me back is that the Webflow API doesn't allow you to view or change Alt Text for assets. If you could add that, it would really make my day!

  • Joe Hohman
  • Oct 18 2023
  • Joseph Spisak commented
    04 Feb 15:07

    This would be extremely helpful to up-level Webflow's SEO capabilities. Currently this appears to be available in the Designer v2 API but not the Data API.

  • Tom Galland commented
    August 18, 2024 08:42

    This is a simple API update, really hoping Webflow Prioritise this

  • Dude commented
    December 20, 2023 17:25

    Totally agree. I've been waiting several years for this feature. My clients are photographers, and I'd like them to be able to add captions to their images. It's also a feature that they request. However, it's not realistic to give them access to my account / CMS. They currently update my CMS via a customer dashboard that I built in Stacker.

  • John Dave Infante commented
    October 26, 2023 09:08

    Hello. This feature must be made compulsory because the Webflow image object includes the alt-image property. The absence of this feature seems to resemble a flaw in your API. It is our hope that this can be given higher priority to enhance the website's SEO.