Editor needs to be integrated with localization features

This is such a massive pain point for using Webflow's version of localization. The people using the designer don't speak every language that needs to be localized, and we should not be the gatekeepers of updating translated text.

Editors need to be able to update and correct translated text, so that end customers and hired language experts can perform work without having to go through middlemen.

  • Kevin Larsen
  • Nov 25 2023
  • Sebastian Borggrewe commented
    24 Jul 20:01

    we have the same issue as many before in the comments. We were expecting, that the editor works fully with translations and now i have two colleagues who are suppose to handle multi-language content in the editor and are not able to do so. This has to be done asap!

  • RAJ BADGEWAR commented
    16 Jul 11:20

    Much needed feature. Needs to be done asap. Being designer and handing over site to client means they have the freedom to edit content but due to localization I am stuck now with their edit work without pay

  • Daniel van Pel commented
    10 Jul 11:36

    It works so incredibly well in the designer. But sadly it is unusable when working with content editors. such a shame :(

  • Bruno Santiago commented
    07 Jul 01:52

    Should stop charging until this is released. It's a freaking expensive feature to not cover basics.

  • David Muehlenweg commented
    04 Jul 11:00

    Needs to be done asap

  • Digital Parner commented
    18 Jun 07:16

    This is incredibly frustrating! Editors should absolutely be able to update and correct translated text. Having to go through designers for every little change is inefficient and unnecessary. Webflow needs to fix this ASAP!

  • Steffi Marie commented
    06 Jun 09:49

    We are using Weglot and we wanted to switch to localization but will not use it until the editors get access to the translation tool.

  • Toby MacLeod commented
    05 Jun 16:31

    Just got off a call with a client showing them their new website. It's the first localized site I've built. I naively told them they would be able to manage their locales through the Editor. I got off the call and went to the Editor to see how localization works, only to find it doesn't exist in the Editor.

    So, my client is paying for Localization which they don't have access to, which means I'm going to have to maintain the translation for hundreds of content collection items, which I'm not being paid for. I guess it's on me for assuming Webflow had launched a fully functioning product.

    This reminds of when Weblow launched Logic and User Accounts. They launched them half-baked, and then stopped developing them.

    Webflow may be great for creating website designs, but they seem to forget the reason people use websites is for the content they contain. It doesn't matter how good a website looks if the content sucks or is out of date.

    Come on Webflow, get your act together.

  • Daniel Amosy commented
    31 May 09:51

    I was extremely surprised to realise this feature wasn't implemented on launch. To me it is the primary function of localization; that Editors contribute and translate content. Very common use case that a site has been built for a client that only has Editor-access and that needs to administer texts and content.

    Fix ASAP!

  • Ben Hamilton commented
    17 May 19:52

    This is needed ASAP! Why does my team have to have a full seat to translate the site???

  • Gilles Ferire commented
    14 May 12:52

    This needs to be fixed ASAP.

  • TERAFALK AB commented
    13 May 12:27

    This needs to be fixed ASAP

  • Jan Gregor commented
    08 May 09:12

    This needs to be done ASAP.

  • Grace Johnson commented
    02 May 12:24

    The whole point of allowing editors is to fix the machine translation. Critical for many of our clients.

  • Tobias Drevenstedt commented
    26 Apr 14:21

    This is a must.... or at least the Editor/Designer seat needs to be for free... unsellable like it is in comparison the weglot.

  • Tansen BEL commented
    03 Apr 10:00

    It's a huge scam for the price that we have to pay! Now we are completely stuck with the multiligual website we have just delivered, the client was supposed to correct directly the second language, it's going to ask us days of work just because of that mandatory feature missing!

  • Sandro Hagen commented
    19 Mar 17:01

    this makes localization unusable at all, i feel like scammed!
    need to switch to weglot and other localization services again... very disappointing

  • Tobias Gasser commented
    13 Mar 00:31

    This also makes localization significantly more expensive, as each editor who should have access to localization has to now be "promoted" to a full workspace member to have access to the edit mode in Designer.

    Even more: with e.g. a Freelancer plan that would limit the "localization-capable" editors to 3 - even if the hosting plan would allow for more editors (e.g. 10 on the Business Hosting plan).

    In consequence: hosting a bigger site with 2 locales for 4 editors would then cost $39 for hosting (Business) plus 4 x $35 for 4 workspace seats plus one locale with at least $9. That totals to $188 - compared to $48 ($39 plus $9), if only site hosting had to be considered for a site sitting in an agencies' workspace.

  • Shay from Dreamside commented
    27 Feb 15:38

    SO frustrating that editing translations isn't available to content editors. Does Webflow really think that web designers are going to be entering the translations for all the locales for all their clients?

  • Tijs Gn commented
    26 Feb 21:54

    this is a huge issue, that could easily be fixed... changing the locale in the URL already allows you to update blog posts in a certain locale, so it should be easy to make it work for the page content as well

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