compound styles into new single style

Hey i noticed to design quickly i tend to copy texts or paragraphs etc. I would duplicate a page, when doing so the text / objects inherits the previous classes, so i would tag on a new style and the style library gets a bit messy.

I'm recommending a feature to compound multiples styles into a new single style that inherits the previous style adjustments on all break points. I know this can be mitigated by proper planning, but i think it would help speed things up and keep the style library less cluttered and more accessible.

It would be useful in situations where i have image presets that i'd like to keep but modify one or two things without modify the base of an image/text on another page. Or to replace an image but its tied to a root/parented style. I believe ID's kinda get mixed up too for sections when duplicating objects with the same style and ID.

  • W
  • Dec 6 2023
  • W commented
    6 Dec, 2023 07:40am

    So instead of starting from scratch on a new style and have to recreate it, compound the styles into a new one.