Drag to re-order items in a CMS Multi-Reference field in the editor

Drag to re-order items in a CMS Multi-Reference field in the editor. Sometimes if I have items in here - I have to delete them all and order them as I'd like. It'd be nice to be able to drag and re-order them.

  • Diarmuid Sexton
  • Apr 19 2017
  • Cruz de Piedra commented
    05 Jun 12:18

    we need this functionality please!

  • Sean garcia commented
    04 May 20:24

    Must have the ability to drag to reorder or provide filtering for multi-reference lists.

  • Jason Wintermeyer commented
    08 Apr 10:59

    We need this @webflow.

  • Dane Crozier commented
    04 Apr 03:26

    Yes, please!

  • Dale Lawrence commented
    15 Feb 11:02


  • Soulaiman Afrikh commented
    14 Jan 15:11

    need this

  • Jaap Bräutigam commented
    May 05, 2023 12:23

    D.O. I.T. !

  • Frankh commented
    February 08, 2023 12:28

    Yes, this is really needed.

  • Kasan Mantel commented
    September 12, 2022 14:32

    Yes please fix this. It makes absolutely no sense why this does not work. Multireference is cool. But without sorting possibility somehow very unusable.

  • Lorin Atzberger commented
    June 26, 2022 21:35

    It's fascinating how this is still not a thing 5 years later. With this rate of improvement I'd expect a better competitor any day now.. it's not like the bar is even slightly high.

  • Cord London commented
    June 02, 2022 16:21

    If Timothy Ricks has voted for this we NEED this asap!

  • Daniel Castro Maia commented
    May 23, 2022 03:39

    so basic

  • Athens Orthopedic Clinic commented
    February 14, 2022 19:32

    sorting in the field would be great. But I'd be just as happy if we could sort them like any other CMS collection list.

  • Ethan Feuerbach commented
    July 18, 2021 23:35

    yes need it for my shows season. Why it can't be sorted IDK.

  • Milan Balogh commented
    October 02, 2020 08:28

    None of those, this is for when you have a MULTI-REFERENCE field and they appear like tags when you edit them. there is no option to reorder them, ALSO! there is no sort order when you are showing these fields on the website. The second would be better. why don't we have a sort order for them, like I'm showing related articles as multi reference items and then I'd want to sort them by date published. Not possible.

  • Timothy Ricks commented
    July 28, 2020 11:39

    With our WordPress sites, the clients are accustomed to being able to build their own pages from the front end by dragging and adding pre-designed modules in any order on the page and filling them with content. The same can be achieved with Webflow by using the multi-reference field. The only part that's missing is the ability to actually drag to reorder those multi-reference items without having to delete and re-add them in the correct order. This one definitely gets my vote because once this is added, the potential is unlimited.

  • Gareth Higham commented
    June 15, 2020 10:18

    Yes please to this

  • Guest commented
    May 21, 2020 16:49

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  • Brian Harstine commented
    June 19, 2019 15:59

    yes needed!! - has this feature been enabled yet? re-ordering CMS entries for a portfolio style page would be killer

  • Glenn Eastland commented
    May 15, 2019 19:08

    Essential and a regular feature in WordPress order by menu_order

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