it's needed for certain calculated styling features such as:
font-size: calc(var(--font-base-size) * var(--font-h1-size-mod));
where the base size is a rem and I'm looking to calculate different heading sizes based on one base size value to globally change font styles across the site quickly and consistently. Or if I wanted unitless line height.
I also want to use unitless variables to control the number of grid rows/columns in various contexts, etc.
it's needed for certain calculated styling features such as:
where the base size is a rem and I'm looking to calculate different heading sizes based on one base size value to globally change font styles across the site quickly and consistently. Or if I wanted unitless line height.
Unitless is also needed to change z-index, etc.
Yes we need the percentage unit in size variables! It's often used for sizing elements
Yes please!!!
Indeed - it is needed! By the way - in the interaction settings you can assign percentages to variables. Why not in the variables panel?
This is extremely needed.