Allow organization in the components panel

Components are great, but it's hard to navigate the Components Panel. Being able to organize and/or order them would be an incredible quality of life improvement.

Some ideas:

  • Ordering them in a desired order

  • Sorting them alphabetically or chronologically (order created)

  • Organizing them in folders (replicate Assets Folder behavior)

  • Bruno Cloutier
  • Apr 19 2024
  • Robert Blodgett commented
    May 06, 2024 04:01

    You can manually drag and drop components to reorder them according to your preference. This can be helpful if you have a specific sequence in which you access components frequently. Some design tools allow you to sort components alphabetically or chronologically. adp workforce now Check if your tool has a ‘Sort’ option in the context menu or settings. Use clear and consistent naming conventions for your components. This makes it easier to search for them and understand their purpose at a glance.