Floating form labels!

It would be really awesome if Webflow supported floating form labels. Something similar to the signup form at https://webflow.com/ where a form label pops up after clicking into an input field. It could generate those based on the placeholder text and show them only after typing a character in the input field. Could really help make all Webflow sites stand out.

  • Tyler Griffin
  • Apr 25 2017
  • Felix O commented
    18 Aug, 2020 03:22pm

    Would be nice!

  • Cole Waldrip commented
    4 Nov, 2017 09:17pm

    This would be a game changer for me. If we could have a state for inputs with a value and then be able to tie that state to the styles of a sibling label, that would be perfect.

  • Jen Armstrong commented
    2 Oct, 2017 12:37am

    Would LOVE this.

  • +18