Merged idea

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Send form submission data to CMS Merged

I'm not sure why this function does not exist yet, since it seems so simple.

The basic idea is to port/forward/link Webflow form data to a CMS collection. So people can send information to the CMS based on a Webflow form. This is greatly beneficial for anyone that makes a platform out of their website.

Currently I'm using a work-around through Typeform & Zapier, which is a hassle, since it uses two other (paid) services. If I'm paying for a CMS website, imo this should be included in the basics.

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  • Apr 28 2017
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CMS / Forms / Logic
  • Timo Wohlin-Elkovsky commented
    3 Jul, 2022 04:09pm

    Wow Im baffled that Webflow does not allow for native solution of sending form submission data to CMS! This have been requested since 2017 and it seems noone from Webflow has even bothered to comment on this!?

  • Whalesync Team commented
    28 Feb, 2022 07:58pm

    Agreed- hopefully Webflow builds this soon. In the meantime, we found a workaround that lets you go Form -> CMS almost instantly. It does involve other tools though as the one caveat.

  • Arturs Rasnacis commented
    11 Jan, 2022 03:56pm

    Would love to have form submissions populate into a collection. This would allow us to create a simple comment/rewiew system on our website where people can leave rewiews, then immediately view their entry. Als a really good example of it would be like system. Main reason that we came to webflow was ease of use and also better SEO integration.

  • Micah commented
    6 Nov, 2021 05:07pm

    Would love to have form submissions populate into a collection. This would allow us to create a petition on our website that people can sign, then immediately view their entry.

  • Russell Mceacharn commented
    19 Oct, 2021 07:06pm

    Just to get my user CMS updated at user sign up i had to do the following

    1. Open a Zapier account

    2. Open a memberstack account

    3. Open a airtable account

    4. configure form fields with memberstack ID

    5. configured zapier (memberstack to airtable) recieved form data for sign ups to airtable

    6. configure airtable to create a new (record ID) for each new record memberstack sends.

    7. configure zapier (airtable to webflow) new live item to webflow User CMS

    8. configure zapier (Webflow to airtable) send the newly created user CMS item ID back to Airtable matching the record ID airtable created in the previous step.

    9. configure zapier (webflow to memberstack) send the newly created user CMS item ID back to Memberstack matching the Memberstack ID.

    10. configure an Update Profile Form to match all memberstack fields

    11. configure zapier (memberstack to airtable) send all updated profile information from memberstack to airtable.

    12. configure zapier (airtable to webflow) send all updated profile information to webflow item ID user CMS.

    13. configure zapier (memberstack to webflow) delete a user in memberstack set to archive in webflow.

    There are so many bugs that can occur in this process due to the massive amount of API handshakes. Any small change on any of these fronts can break it leading to hours of troubleshooting....

    It in no way an enterprise stable solution, barely acceptable for small businesses.

    I'm not even going to get into the security problems, there's a bunch more steps you have to do just to make it so other people can't see or update someone elses profile.


  • Armin Seltz commented
    4 Oct, 2021 04:11pm

    I think this would be great. My guess as to why they did not enable this, is that they have pretty strict CMS item limits. Even at Enterprise level you only get 10.000 items. So if you were to use this to build your own comments for example, you could reach this limit pretty quickly.

    If you want to actually build some website with proper functionality you would probably have to use something like Bubble, where this is super easy to do and you don't have such limitations. Then you can also easily connect it to users with login and all those goodies.

  • Dean Russell commented
    2 Oct, 2021 03:48pm

    I can honestly say, this feature is the only 'missing' functionality of your CMS.

    Why would I have to edit and enter 100 emails from vendors for a bake sale or pottery exibit, when I could simply go.


    I'm aware there are issues around privacy/security and posting content that may not be exactly peope friendly by allowing such a feature.
    But hence the approve/not approve b4 posting.

    If anyone has a cheap way to add vendors or bands or live stream details without having to cut/paste everything into the webflow CRM, please let me know.

    I can deal with current volume of manual entries, but its still ridiculous that i have to do this.


  • Dean Russell commented
    2 Oct, 2021 03:36pm

    In the meantime..
    Does this mean I have to pay for zapier and hubspot on top of webflow CMS to do what I want to do?

    asking for a friend.

  • Kieran Reid commented
    9 Jul, 2021 01:27am

    This would be perfect for blog comments, product reviews etc.

  • MEFCAA Contact commented
    11 May, 2021 09:03am

    I can't believe this is not possible - all this welcome to the future of no-code app and website creation and then you have no input fields for the embedded database or at least an API workaround to store the input in airtable or as such? WOW that future missed a massive train - even did catch the bus if you know what I mean...

    Everything else is amazing - very well working and thought thru design tools but the database/collections are still weird they feel like half integrated.

    It should be that I just can add an object and then decide if this is static or dynamic - output or input. That would be the future Iike no wait - love!!

  • Do Good Design Co. Design Co. commented
    6 May, 2021 01:35pm

    It's limitations like this that will prevent people like me from moving to Webflow from Wordpress as much as we'd like to.

  • Digital Natives commented
    9 Apr, 2021 12:37pm

    Absolutely necessary

  • Rein Meirte commented
    20 Jan, 2021 08:05am

    Would be great! At the moment we use Zapier for this. You can connect webflow with salesforce, mailchimp, hubspot, ... Though it is again an extra account, extra subscription, extra hastle. Better would be if it would go directly..

  • David Schmidt commented
    13 Jan, 2021 09:12pm

    Would make it very powerful. I need it too!

  • Me commented
    27 Dec, 2020 05:24pm

    Yes! That is what I need!

  • Ravi K H commented
    23 Nov, 2020 05:11pm

    @webflow This is much needed +3 Votes

  • Tony Peacock commented
    26 Aug, 2020 01:43pm

    @webflow, this has plenty of votes and has been a hot topic for over 3 yrs. Is the product team listening to the users? Without this feature I am back to build apps outside the platform.

  • R JEFFERY WILSON commented
    4 Aug, 2020 04:56pm

    This is a very important and needed feature. Please make it happen @webflow!

  • Yoann BOUDOU commented
    23 Jul, 2020 09:57am

    Spent all my votes on this basic CMS functionality...make it happen guys !

  • William Muskus commented
    5 Jul, 2020 06:31am

    We need this and our clients need this !

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