Webflow, please hear the community and address this list of feature requests and bugs!

  • Copy/paste interactions to elements

  • Offset (scroll into view) and smoothing should affect all instances of an interaction, or give us the option to apply the offset/smoothing to all the instances of the interaction (on every page), instead of hunting for each instance of the interaction on every page, and applying the offset/scrolling manually to each instance.

  • CMS list - add classes / styles to specific list items (not just first, last, even, odd). I want to apply a custom class to any or multiple CMS list items of my choice without custom code.

  • Client billing? Please justify why I have to use my personal credit card for my client’s hosting?

  • Re-order components, variables, interactions (I see we finally added component folders, but the interactions panel can become a crazy mess). Again, we NEED to re-order components, variables, and interactions. Most of us are detail oriented and need this functionality.

  • Elements panel multi-select functionality (I want to delete multiple elements at once, or apply a class to multiple elements). Everyone in the community wants this.

  • Default animations are outdated; why do I always have to click “Start an action…”? Do most of your users use the default animations? I’ve been using Webflow since 2014 and I literally never use these defaults, and the extra 2 clicks is super annoying and slows down my workflow.

  • So many bugs with CMS grid manual position, especially on tablet and below, or when nested in a component. This is hard to replicate and only sometimes happens, but when it does, it’s very frustrating that this fundamental functionality is not working 100% of the time.

  • Another super annoying bug - class selection and styling bugs especially on different breakpoints and element states (for example, nav + current link, or tablet + combo class, or mobile + combo class). The only workaround is having to delete combo class or selector, style, then re-add the class/selector.

  • Styling in wrong breakpoint is crazy frustrating (happens in wider ones very often, because we preview the site, stretch the canvas, then exit preview mode, and BOOM we are in the wider breakpoint, and can start designing without knowing it! Then we need to undo all that work and re-do in the correct breakpoint). Please make it more clear for your users that HEY! you are in a different breakpoint. Right now we have a little toast notification but it goes away. Maybe leave it there until the user closes it so the 100% know which breakpoint they are in, especially for speed builders.

  • Add page animations (while page is scrolling, for example) to every page quickly. If I have a project with 40+ pages, do I really need to add the page scroll animation manually to every page? How do I explain/justify to my clients I need to bill them 5 hours just to add the same animation to every page?

  • Have the option to add open graph image to every page. Again, 40+ page project, Why do I need to add the same open graph image to every single page manually?

  • Searching for classes is unreliable, it says there is a class on a page, then when I get there it updates to say 0 instances.

  • Ask every designer and developer, WHY is Webflow crashing 4-5 times per session? It’s very frustrating, and not to mention it looks terrible when I am on a meeting, screen-sharing with a client who is paying top dollar for a modern website, and the tool is crashing multiple times in the meeting. Maybe invest in refactoring all the code to react, like Framer. jQuery is outdated and will only cause more issues in the future as tech evolves. Seriously, Framer is a real threat. They use react and the UI UX is very very smooth. I know they don't have all the functionality Webflow has but if they ever catch up, Webflow users will start to migrate! Unless your team listens to the community and fixes these issues now.

  • I appreciate we are adding new features like AI, but we really need to fix basic features like Ecommerce, Localization, Editor. It’s very difficult to build an Ecommerce site that competes with Shopify or WooCommerce because Webflow Ecommerce is not fully developed and optimized yet.

  • To end, I want to say you guys are still an awesome product, and the new updates are really amazing (component slots, shared libraries, etc.) But these issues NEED to be fixed otherwise your customers will migrate to another competitor. Please have your team fix these issues; we are paying top dollar to use this tool, and we are expecting a premium product. Not to mention, the competition is a real threat and unless you start listening to the community about these smaller but persistent issues, we have no problem migrating to other tools (especially once their functionality catches up) But we LOVE Webflow and want to use it forever! So please hear us out and develop / perfect your existing features and functionality before adding new things that your users don’t need yet! Thank you <3

  • Ali Abedi
  • Aug 1 2024
  • Wouter van Waning commented
    November 27, 2024 09:01

    I think you have some excellent points. Maybe it's best though to have them spread out on different wishes with the matching categories, I'm afraid they're seen less by the community and team in this way. (or combine the workflow one maybe).

  • Ronda Rosay commented
    August 06, 2024 12:52

    This is very great post it's very helpful for me. thanks for sharing this.