Enhanced site search

Improve the search functionality to provide a more efficient and accurate way to find relevant information.

Example of Key Features:

  1. Instant Search: Implement instant search functionality that allows users to start searching as soon as they begin typing.

  2. Boolean Search: Introduce boolean search capabilities that allow users to use logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine their search queries.

  3. Fuzzy Matching: Implement fuzzy matching to allow for slight variations in search queries.

  4. Search Suggestions: Provide search suggestions as users type, allowing them to quickly find related terms and phrases.

  5. Dynamic Re-Ranking: Implement a dynamic re-ranking algorithm that continuously updates the search results based on user behavior, such as:

    1. Click-through rates

    2. Time spent on each result

    3. User feedback (e.g. likes, dislikes)

    4. Search query modifications

    5. Result relevance scores

  • Ian Mackey
  • Aug 4 2024